Алфавитный справочник рецептов коктейлей (от Q до U)
- Layered Rattlesnake
- Lokum
- Negroni
- RAC Cocktail
- Raffaello
- Ragnar
- Railroad Spike
- Rails
- Rail Splitter
- Rainy Wednesday
- Rakel's Tears
- Raketje
- Ramos Fizz
- Ranch Water
- Rashida
- Raspberry Gin COVID -19 Vaccination
- Raspberry Manhattan
- Raspberry Margarita
- Raspberry Martini
- Raspberry Martini №2
- Raspberry Russian
- Raspberry Stupid
- Raspberry Sunset
- Rat Pack Manhattan
- Rat Poison
- Rattlesnake
- Rattlesnake Shooter
- Rattlesnake Shot
- Razzle-Dazzle
- Real Adios Motherfucker
- Re-animator
- Rebecca
- Rebel Yell
- Red Apple Martini
- Red Beer
- Redberry
- Red Bull Campari
- Red Dog
- Red Dog Martini
- Red Dragon
- Red Dragon №2
- Red Dragons Breath
- Red Draw
- Red Drink
- Red Eye
- Red Gin
- Red Headed Mexican
- Red Headed Miranda
- Red Headed Slut
- Red Heat
- Red Hot
- Red Lion
- Red Marauder
- Red Mexican
- Red Nail
- Redneck Blitzkreig
- Redneck Colada
- Redneck Martinni
- Redneck Romeo
- Redneck's Martini
- Red October
- Red or Dead
- Red Ruby Martini
- Red Russian
- Red Skin
- Red Square
- Red Storm
- Red Wine Cooler
- Reindeer's Tear recipe
- Remember Last Summer
- Reservoir Dogs
- Retrograde Amnesia
- Reverse Martini
- Revolver
- R Float
- Rhino
- Rising Sun
- Ritz
- Ritz Sidecar
- Road To Hell
- Rob Roy
- Rob Royale
- Rob Zombie
- Rocket
- Rocket Fuel
- Rocket Fuel №2
- Rocket Fuel №3
- Rocky Point Bomber
- Rolls-Royce
- Roman Riot
- Ronin Grasshopper
- Root 56
- Rose
- Rosemary
- Rose of the Ritz
- Rossini
- Rotten Apple
- Royal Butt
- Royal Collins
- Royal Gin Fizz
- Royal Touch
- Roy Rogers
- Ruby Rita
- Ruby Tuesday
- Rude Cosmopolitan
- Ruff
- Rum and Tonic
- Rum & Apple Juice
- Rum-Baykal
- Rum Coke Float
- Rum Cooler
- Rum Cow
- Rum Rickey
- Rum Runner
- Rum Sour
- Russian Brunch
- Russian Candy
- Russian Cap
- Russian-Japaneese War
- Russian Kamikaze
- Russian Quaalude
- Russian Redneck
- Russian Roulette
- Russian Sauer
- Russian Shamrock
- Russian Sombrero
- Russian Spring Punch
- Russian Sunrise
- Russian Sunrise №2
- Russian Three
- Russian Tricolor
- Rust
- Rusty Nail
- Rusty Water
- White Russian
- White Siberian
- Buttery Nipple
- Champagne
- Rum Swizzle
- Safe Sex on the Beach
- Saffron Gin & Tonic
- Saigon Cooler
- Saint Clement
- Saint Sauvant
- Saint Valentine
- Sake Bomb
- Sake Martini
- Sake Negroni
- Sakini
- Sakura Martini
- Salted Lassi
- Salty Dog
- Salty Dog №2
- Salty Martini
- Salty Stag
- Sambuca Coffee Frappe
- Sambuca Con La Mosca
- Sammy Slammer
- Samuraie tea
- San Francisco
- Sangria
- Sangrita
- Santa Monica
- Santa's Little Helper
- Santo Libre
- Sapphire Martini
- Satin Angel
- Satin in a Coffin
- Sazerac
- Saz with a Sting
- Scandinavian Coffee
- Scarlett O'Hara
- Scary Mary
- Schizophrenia
- Schmooze
- Scorpion Bowl
- Scotch Milkshake
- Scotch Toddy
- Scrambled egg
- Screaming Dead Nazi
- Screaming Nazi
- Screaming Orgasm
- Screaming Viking
- Screwdriver
- Screw-Drivers Set
- Screwed-Up Screwdriver Screwedhead
- Screwie
- Screw the Polar Bear
- Sea Bottom
- Sea Breeze
- Sea-Doo
- Secrets of Savoy
- Semi-Dry Matrini
- Sensation
- Separator
- September Morning
- Session
- Set The New Year on fire
- Seven Circles of Hell
- Sex At My House
- Sex On The Beach
- Sexy Greek
- Shamrock
- Shamrock Kir
- Shamrock №2
- Shamrocks
- Shirley Temple
- Shit on the Grass
- Shmurdiak
- Shmurdiak №2
- Shock Therapy
- Shot of Love Stinks
- Shrek
- Siberian Frost
- Sicilian Kiss
- Sicilian Lady
- Sicilian Splash
- Sidecar
- Silencer
- Silk Stockings
- Silverado
- Silver Bullet
- Silverlight
- Silver Nest
- Simple Mango Lassi
- Simple Milk
- Simpleton
- Singapore Sling
- Singapore Sling Original
- Skinny Mexican
- Skip and Go Naked
- Skyscraper
- Slippery Nipple
- Sloe and Unsteady
- Smiley
- Smurf on the Rag
- Snake Eye
- Snake Piss
- Snap, Crackle, Drop
- Snatch
- Snowball
- Snow berry
- Snow Maiden
- Snow Maiden Coffee
- Snow Maiden №2
- Snow Maiden №3
- Snow Maiden Surprise
- Snow White
- Social
- Social Worker
- Solved Brainteaser
- Sombrero
- Soufriere Negroni
- Soulfire
- Soul Taker
- Sound on the Roll
- Sour Bitch
- South African Smoothie
- Southern Border
- South Mint 75
- Space
- Space Juice
- Spaceman’s Shot
- Space Monkey
- Spanish Chocolate
- Spanish Monk
- Sparcling Blue Hawaiian
- Sparkling Pomegranate
- Sparkling Snowball
- Special Mordovian
- Sperm
- Spessartin
- Spicy Fifty
- Spider Bite
- Spider Bite №2
- Spikey Hedgehog
- Spised Lassi
- Spitzer
- Springbokkie
- Spring Green
- Spritz
- Sprodka
- Squashed Frog
- Squirrel
- Stabilizer
- Star Cocktail
- Stars Fell on Alabama
- Star Wars
- Stay Sober
- Steel Balls
- St George Brooklyn
- Stifler's Pale Ale
- Stilts
- Stinger
- Stoker
- Stoli Red State
- Stone Sour
- Storm
- Storm and Luxury
- Stormcloud
- Stornoway
- Stout and Black
- Stout 'n' Stormy
- Stout Prairie Fire
- St. Patrick's Day
- Stratosphere
- Strawberry Cosmopolitan
- Strawberry Daiquiri
- Strawberry Ice
- Strawberry Kir
- Strawberry Kiss
- Strawberry Lemonade
- Strawberry Margarita
- Strawberry Margarita №2
- Strawberry Martini
- Strawberry Martini №2
- Strawberry Milkshake
- Strawberry Mojito
- Strawberry 'N' Balsamic Martini
- Strawberry Peach Daiquiri
- Strawberry with Milk
- Strong Embrace
- Submarine
- Submarine Greece
- Suburban
- Sub-Zero
- Suicidal
- Suicide
- Suitсase
- Summer Lemonade
- Summer Memoirs
- Summer Rain
- Summer Sunset
- Sumo in a Sidecar
- Sunday Morning Pick-up
- Sunrise Morning
- Sunstone
- Super Devil
- Superfly
- Super Stalin
- Surfer On Acid
- Surf Rider
- Svengoolie
- Sweet Barmen's Love
- Sweet Chocolate Lips
- Sweet Cream
- Sweet Greyhound
- Sweet lady
- Sweetness
- Sweet Poison
- Sweet Rainbow
- Sweet Ruby
- Swimming Pool
- Szarlotka
- Vodka Stinger
- T 55
- Tabouzo
- Tahiti Club
- Taiwan Duck Fart
- Take a Hike
- Tallin Cocoa
- Tallin Mojito
- Tallin on Fire
- Tallin's coffe
- Tallin Сoffee
- Tamagotchi
- Tanechka
- Tanning Bed
- Tarzan's Juicy Cooler
- Taste of Treason
- Tatanka
- Tea Punch
- Tears of a Snake
- Temptation
- Temptress
- Tennessee Mud
- Tequila and Tonic
- Tequila Based Almond Old Fasioned
- Tequila Body Shot
- Tequila Boom
- Tequila BoomBoom
- Tequila Exotica
- Tequila Ghost
- Tequila Mojitos
- Tequila Stinger
- Tequila Sunrise
- Terrible bug
- Thames Water
- The 5th Element
- The Abomination
- The Bridesmaids
- The Bubbly Apricot
- The Burgundy
- The Burning Atlantis
- The Cadillac Margarita
- The Country Life
- The Crow
- The Dante
- The Devil
- The Devil's Wings
- The End Of The World
- The End Time
- The Happy New Year Cocktail
- The Killer
- The Lady In Red
- The Lusitania
- The Mandrake Hibiscus
- The Negro in Foam
- The Nutty Irishman
- The Power Of Milk
- The Project
- The Rage
- The Real Slippery Nipple
- The Red Army
- The Russian Beauty
- The Salty Bird
- The Spartan
- The Stanley Cup
- The Tender Murderer
- The Ufa Night
- Thin Mint Grasshopper
- Three Amigos
- Three Citrus Garibaldi
- Three Waves
- Three Wise Men
- Thug Passion
- Thunder
- Thunderclap
- Thunder King
- Thunder Quake
- Thursday Special
- Tiger Money
- Tiger's Milk
- Timid Banana
- Ting 'n' Sting
- Tipperary
- Tiramisu
- Tiramisu №2
- Titanic
- Titanic's Come Back
- Titanic Uplift
- TNT №2
- Tokyo Tea
- Tomato Basiltini
- Tomato Cooler
- Tomato Lassi
- Tomato Tang
- Tom Collins
- Tommy's Margarita
- Tonic Chartreuse
- Top Banana
- Torino-Milano (To-Mi)
- Tornado
- Torpedo Juice
- Touchdown Punch
- Tour Eiffel
- Tovarisch
- Traffic Light
- Traffic Light №2
- Transformer
- Translator
- Trinidad Especial
- Trinidad Sour
- Troika
- Tropical Ale
- Tropical Ecstasy
- Tropical Margarita
- Tropical Storm
- Trupmtini
- Tsunami
- Tsunami №2
- Tubboocki
- Turbine
- Turbo Jager Bomb
- Turbo-Sambuca
- Tuscaloosa
- Tuxedo
- Twentith Century
- Twitcher
- Two
- Virgin Patriot